I'm quite new here and hope you can help me.
My PC is quite old and the CPU doesn't support SLAT, so I have spent some time looking for a solution to install docker without HyperV and be finally able to use LEAN locally.
Eventually I succesfully installed docker on Windows via Docker Toolbox. On the first execution of the command 'lean backtest ”mystrat"’ LEAN pulled the latest version, then I've got the error that follows:
Error: 400 Client Error for Bad Request ("invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid mount path: 'C:/Users/Giuseppe/AppData/Local/Temp/lean-cli-ya9qlj3q/config.json' mount path must be absolute")
Would you please give me a hand to fix this?
Thank you in advance
Jasper van Merle
Hi Giuseppe,
Thanks for reporting the issue, I just released a new version that fixes it. You can update using `pip install --upgrade lean`.
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Giuseppe Mazza
Hi Jasper,
first of all thank you so much for your kindness. This time I could start the backtest command, but for some reasons the build fails:
If I go to the “2021-06-16_22-39-17” folder, it is empty.
Any idea?
Thanks again, I really appreciate.
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Jasper van Merle
Hi Giuseppe,
The error you are seeing most likely means the VM which Docker runs in ran out of disk space. Can you try running `docker system prune --all` to make Docker remove unused containers and images to clean up some space?
If that doesn't fix the issue I'm afraid you're going to have to re-create the VM and give it more disk space. You can do this by running `docker-machine rm <machine name>` and `docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-disk-size "100000" <machine name>` in a terminal other than Docker Toolbox's Quickstart Terminal. `<machine name>` should be the name of the VM, which is “default” if you haven't manually created your current VM. “100000” is the size of the new VM's disk in MB which I have I have set to 100GB, if your PC doesn't have that much disk space left you may have to reduce it.
Be aware that re-creating the VM deletes all existing containers, volumes, and images.
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Giuseppe Mazza
Thanks again. I have tried both your suggestions (pruning and re-creating the VM). The VM planned size is now 65G and I don't get the “no space” error anymore, but only a generic
…and once again the folder ‘2021-06-17_22-10-53’ is empty.
Here is a screenshot of the disk space before and after the lean backtest command (which, in turns, update itself):
Please know that I sincerely appreciate your help.
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Giuseppe Mazza
It seems like the execution cannot go beyond the “Determining projects to restore” step. Is it supposed to create a “.csproj” file? Maybe cannot write on the destination folder?
Just trying to understand…
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Jasper van Merle
Hi Giuseppe,
Weird. If for whatever reason the CLI cannot generate a .csproj file to compile with the error would be different (something along the lines of “Project file does not exist”), so I don't think it's that. Can you try running `lean create-project --language python PythonProject` and `lean backtest PythonProject` to check whether this issue also occurs with Python projects?
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Jared Broad
I think its still a space issue the / mount is full
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Giuseppe Mazza
I tried Jasper's suggestion.
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Giuseppe Mazza
Ok, I don't know how but it seems to work now :)
Basically I changed the path of my Lean local projects (which previously included a space in it - “C:\My Projects\Lean”) and moved everything on a more *nix-acceptable path ("C:\MyProjects\Lean").
Also, I had to include the Lean local path into the VM shared folders (mount: “/c/MyProjects/Lean”).
This did the trick!
I hope that this could help others having a similar issue. Thanks again for your precious support!
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Corne Schriek
I had a similar error when I initialized a Lean folder on my D:\ drive. This error: "…. Unable to find py file: /LeanCLI/main.py"
Solution was to move everything to C:\myLeanFolder\
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