Hello, I'm new to QuantConnect and this is my first community post. I'm working on building a strategy that needs to identify when a high high or a low low trend is identified. The system needs to be able to look back to a certain number of candles and ensure that there is enough distance between point a and point b in order for it to be considered valid. See attached.

I've been doing some research and came across a python library called argrelextrema which I'm pretty sure I need to use but I can't figure out how it works exactly. I'm hoping someone can give me an example of this being implemented in a backtest.
Thanks in advance :)
You can use for your strategy QC DonchianChannel Indicator.
For that you just need to specify data resolution, symbol and period.
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Vladimir Thanks for your answer. I've been playing around with this indicator but still can't seem to figure out how I would capture the event when a low / upper band drops / rises a certain amount. I'm trying to capture the event I highlighted in this screenshot.
Example: if point_a drops 50% from point_b: then do something…
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-> if point_a drops 50% from point_b: then do something…
It may never happen, and depends on what instruments are you going to use.
I would prefer to use crossover of middle line (HH + LL)/2 with slightly smoothed price.
It would also be helpful to search the QC forum for the keyword "Donchian Channel".
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Vladimir Hmm… I see what you mean.
You included SMA in your backtest. Would it be better to check for cross over with SMA or the actual price?
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