I want to use quantconnect on the computer to use the python debug function. 
I cant figure out to use lean. 
I tried to install Lean using this video video


I run ubuntu 16.04 Im stuck in the last step:

Develop Algorithms Locally, Run in Container

what i did: I opened the config.json file in VisualStudioCode and ran it using debug in container. 
first an error message apear : Errors exist after running preLaunchTask 'run-docker'. 
I press debug anyway. 

then this error message in the terminal comes :  what should i do? 
I see there is a problem in line 42.

> Executing task: /home/pernille/Lean/run_docker.sh IMAGE=quantconnect/lean:latest CONFIG_FILE=/home/pernille/Lean/Launcher/config.json DATA_DIR=/home/pernille/Lean/Data RESULTS_DIR=/home/pernille/Lean/Results DEBUGGING=Y PYTHON_DIR=/home/pernille/Lean/Algorithm.Python EXIT=Y <

/home/pernille/Lean/run_docker.sh: line 42: cd: ./Launcher/bin/Debug: No such file or directory
/home/pernille/Lean/run_docker.sh: line 42: cd: ./Launcher/bin/Debug: No such file or directory
Csharp file at '/QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp.dll' does not exist; no CSharp files will be mounted
Docker container starting, attach to Mono process at localhost:55555 to begin
[sudo] password for pernille: 
[sudo] password for pernille: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for pernille: 
Error: No such container: LeanEngine
Pulling Docker image: quantconnect/lean:latest
latest: Pulling from quantconnect/lean
Digest: sha256:2e426eaf794ff00e1d00e10b21ab2cc382cecf1c2716c741641b98f59dbcec3e
Status: Image is up to date for quantconnect/lean:latest
Launching LeanEngine with command: 
sudo docker run --rm     --mount type=bind,source=/home/pernille/Lean/Launcher/config.json,target=/Lean/Launcher/config.json,readonly     -v /home/pernille/Lean/Data:/Data:ro     -v /home/pernille/Lean/Results:/Results     --name LeanEngine     -p 5678:5678     --expose 6000 --add-host=host.docker.internal: -v /home/pernille/Lean/Algorithm.Python:/Lean/Algorithm.Python -p 55555:55555     --entrypoint mono     quantconnect/lean:latest --debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=,suspend=y     QuantConnect.Lean.Launcher.exe --data-folder /Data --results-destination-folder /Results --config /Lean/Launcher/config.json
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"mono\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown.
The terminal process "/bin/bash '-c', '/home/pernille/Lean/run_docker.sh IMAGE=quantconnect/lean:latest CONFIG_FILE=/home/pernille/Lean/Launcher/config.json DATA_DIR=/home/pernille/Lean/Data RESULTS_DIR=/home/pernille/Lean/Results DEBUGGING=Y PYTHON_DIR=/home/pernille/Lean/Algorithm.Python EXIT=Y'" terminated with exit code: 127.