I am needing some help finishing up my strategy that I have been working on. Key things that I need to make sure happen:
Multiple Open Orders Allowed
Entry Price should be on bar close or the open price of the new bar
Target Profit is canceled when stop loss is hit (viseversa)
Also, the testing said that it won 58% of the time but if that is the case I should be heavily profitable with the current marks set for target profit and stop loss, but that is not the case.
The overall strategy is to take doji bar setups with gaining macd value upon an overall uptrend (defined by the 1hr increase MACD setup) for forex and take a .0008 target profit with a .0005 stop loss. I have manually back tested this and the strategy is very successful, I just need help touching it up. Thanks for all the help in advance.
Derek Melchin
Hi Jacob,
To enable multiple open orders, we need to replace the entry condition. It is currently
if not self.Portfolio.Invested:
To get the most realistic fill prices, the algorithm fills at the bid/ask price.
For assistance setting up take-profit and stop-loss orders so that one is canceled when the other is hit, we recommend reviewing this related thread.
Derek Melchin
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