
Thank you so much for developing the Lean CLI tool for local/hybrid algorithm development.  This has worked amazingly well for me in comparison using the docker-run.sh scripts previously; however, I can't run backtests with the Lean CLI on my M1 mac because I get the following warning and the run process immediately stops due to an Assertion error:

"WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested"

I get the same error if I attempt to manually instantiate a new container based on the quantconnect/lean:latest docker image (both with and without the flag "--platform linux/amd64" to try to force it to use an emulator).  No issues running backtests on my Intel-based mac.

Any suggestions on how to get around this are appreciated.  Right now the only thing I can think to try is attempt to rebuild the Lean docker image for the arm64 platform, and then modify the Lean CLI package to point to the rebuilt image.  
