I'm trying to set a stop loss and take profit as a percent value of my accounti.e: I have 1000$ in my account and I want to risk 1% per trade and set the stop loss 40 pips below the market order price. Or set a stop loss n pips below the current price and always risk 1%.
So far this is what I came with, but from the backtest results I see that order quantity are around 27000 units.
Any feedback will be much appreciated.
import decimal as d
from datetime import timedelta
class MovingAverageCrossAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
'''Initialise the data and resolution required, as well as the cash and start-end dates for your algorithm. All algorithms must initialized.'''
self.SetStartDate(2020, 1, 1) #Set Start Date
self.SetEndDate(2020, 12, 31) #Set End Date
self.SetCash(1000) #Set Strategy Cash
self.currencies = ["EURUSD","NZDUSD"]
self.Data = {}
for ticker in self.currencies:
symbol = self.AddForex(ticker, Resolution.Hour).Symbol
self.Data[symbol] = SymbolData(self.SMA(symbol, 50, Resolution.Hour), self.SMA(symbol, 200, Resolution.Hour))
self.quant = 1000
def OnData(self, data):
if self.IsWarmingUp:
for symbol, symbolData in self.Data.items():
fastPastValue = symbolData.fastSMAWindow[1].Value
slowPastValue = symbolData.slowSMAWindow[1].Value
fast = symbolData.fast.Current.Value
slow = symbolData.slow.Current.Value
if self.Portfolio[symbol]:
price = data[symbol].Close
pip = self.Securities[symbol].SymbolProperties.MinimumPriceVariation
leverage = self.Securities[symbol].Leverage
margin = self.Portfolio.MarginRemaining
risk = 0.01
orderSize = (risk * margin * price) / (40 * pip )
stopLoss = (price - 0.0040)
profitTarget = (price + 0.0040)
if fast > slow and fastPastValue < slow:
self.MarketOrder(symbol, (orderSize))
self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, -orderSize, stopLoss)
self.LimitOrder(symbol, -orderSize, profitTarget)
def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):
order = self.Transactions.GetOrderById(orderEvent.OrderId)
if order.Status == OrderStatus.Filled:
if order.Type == OrderType.Limit or order.Type == OrderType.Limit:
if order.Status == OrderStatus.Canceled:
class SymbolData:
def __init__(self, fast, slow):
self.fast = fast
self.slow = slow
self.fastSMAWindow = RollingWindow[IndicatorDataPoint](2)
self.fast.Updated += self.FastSmaUpdated
self.slowSMAWindow = RollingWindow[IndicatorDataPoint](3)
self.slow.Updated += self.SlowSmaUpdated
def FastSmaUpdated(self, sender, updated):
if self.fast.IsReady:
def SlowSmaUpdated(self, sender, updated):
if self.slow.IsReady:
Hi Derek,
Great now I can set it properly, thank you.
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