
I follow all instructions on Github README.md to follow set up VisualStudio except docker file shairng. I couldn't set up right now because my OS is Windows 10 Home, not Pro.

As long as I run this from local Visual studio, I thought it is possible using without file sharing.


"debugging": true, "debugging-method": "VisualStudio",


I set `config.json` as above then run.



but the program just waiting for debugger attach forever.

Lean launcher.exe shows like below and has been stuck there.


20210216 02:02:35.598 Trace:: DebuggerHelper.Initialize(): initializing python... 20210216 02:02:38.395 Trace:: PythonInitializer.Initialize(): start... PythonEngine.Initialize(): Runtime.Initialize()... Runtime.Initialize(): Py_Initialize... Runtime.Initialize(): PyEval_InitThreads... Runtime.Initialize(): Initialize types... Runtime.Initialize(): Initialize types end. Runtime.Initialize(): AssemblyManager.Initialize()... Runtime.Initialize(): AssemblyManager.UpdatePath()... PythonEngine.Initialize(): register atexit callback... PythonEngine.Initialize(): GetCLRModule()... PythonEngine.Initialize(): clr GetManifestResourceStream... 20210216 02:02:39.300 Trace:: PythonInitializer.Initialize(): ended 20210216 02:02:39.300 Trace:: DebuggerHelper.Initialize(): python initialization done 20210216 02:02:39.300 Trace:: DebuggerHelper.Initialize(): starting... 20210216 02:02:39.301 Trace:: DebuggerHelper.Initialize(): waiting for debugger to attach... 20210216 02:03:35.643 Trace:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 60, Sample: 60, App: 244, CurrentTimeStepElapsed: 00:00.000