Hi Alex,
attached the code that will reproduce the error. thanks a lot!
from datetime import timedelta, time
from SymbolData import SymbolData
import math
class ErrorSubmission_TrailStop(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
#-- Date Range
self.SetStartDate(2020, 10, 1) # Set Start Date
#-- Starting Equity
self.SetCash(1000000) # Set Strategy Cash # check if will be replaced
#---------- Universe Selection -------------
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = True # test live if work
self.maxSymbolsFromUniverseFilter = 30
self.handpicked_SymbolList = [
Symbol.Create("SPY", SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA),
Symbol.Create("DNMR", SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA),
Symbol.Create("PLTR", SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA),
Symbol.Create("GME", SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA),
#---------- Alpha Generation -------------
#-- Criteria Settings
self.criteriaDict = {
#---------- Portfolio Construction -------------
self.maxSymbolsToTrade = 10 # maxSymbols to trade
self.symbolDict = {} # list which stores symbols (refreshes with universe updates + handpick selection)
self.symbolWithPositionDict = {} # list which stores symbols with position
self.potentialTradeDict = {} # temp list to store potential symbols to trade
for symbol in self.handpicked_SymbolList:
if symbol not in self.symbolDict:
self.AddEquity(symbol.Value, Resolution.Minute)
self.symbolDict[symbol] = SymbolData(self,symbol,self.criteriaDict)
#---------- Risk Management -------------
self.useTrailStop = True
self.trailStopPercentage = 0.25
#---------- Schedule to run calculation -------------
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.Every(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)), self.runAlgo)
# Coarse Selection Filter
def CoarseSelectionFilter(self, coarse):
sortedByDollarVolume = sorted(coarse, key=lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)
finalFilter = sortedByDollarVolume[:5]
for coarseObject in finalFilter:
symbol = coarseObject.Symbol
return [x.Symbol for x in finalFilter]
runAlgo - Main execution function for the system
- function is triggered every x minute to check for signal and execute trades
def runAlgo(self):
#------------------------ Exit Signals ------------------------
#-- Trailing Stop
if self.useTrailStop:
for symbol in self.symbolWithPositionDict:
symbolData = self.symbolDict[symbol]
symbolPrice = self.Securities[symbol].Close
# Trailstop order not yet set
if symbolData.trailStopOrderTicket is None:
# self.Debug(symbol.Value + " set trailstop")
symbolData.trailStopOrderTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(symbol.Value, -self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity, (1 - self.trailStopPercentage) * symbolPrice)
# Trailstop order exist, adjust it if price moves higher
if symbolPrice > symbolData.lastPeriodMax:
symbolData.lastPeriodMax = symbolPrice
updateFields = UpdateOrderFields()
updateFields.StopPrice = (1 - self.trailStopPercentage) * symbolPrice
# self.Debug(symbol.Value + " moving symbolLastPeriodMax up " + str(symbolPrice) + " " + str(updateFields.StopPrice))
#------------------------ Entry Signals ------------------------
self.potentialTradeDict.clear() # reset potentialTradeDict
# for symbol in self.Portfolio.Keys:
for symbol in self.symbolDict:
if symbol not in self.symbolWithPositionDict: # run check only if symbol has no position
currentClose = self.Securities[symbol].Close
finalEntrySignal = 1
#-- append symbol to potential tradelist
if finalEntrySignal > 0:
self.potentialTradeDict[symbol] = finalEntrySignal
#------------------------ Portfolio Construction + Execution ------------------------
#-- remove symbols from potentialTradeDict that already has a position
items_to_be_removed = []
for symbol in self.potentialTradeDict:
if symbol in self.symbolWithPositionDict.keys():
for symbol in items_to_be_removed:
del self.potentialTradeDict[symbol]
#-- Total symbols (currentPosition + newly shortlisted) < maxSymbolsToTrade
if len(self.symbolWithPositionDict) + len(self.potentialTradeDict) <= self.maxSymbolsToTrade:
# trade all symbols in the potentialTradeDict and add them to the symbolInPositionList
for symbol, signal in self.potentialTradeDict.items():
# calculate posSize
posSize = self.getPosSize(symbol)
if(posSize != 0):
tag = "Sig: {:.2f}".format(signal)
ticket = self.MarketOrder(symbol, posSize,False,tag)
# add to positionDict
self.symbolWithPositionDict[symbol] = posSize
# getPosSize
def getPosSize(self, symbol):
dollarAllocation = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue//self.maxSymbolsToTrade
symbolPrice = self.Securities[symbol].Price
posSize = math.floor(dollarAllocation/symbolPrice) if symbolPrice>0 else 0
return posSize
- this event fires whenever we have changes to our universe
def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
# self.Log("OnSecuritiesChanged: " + str(self.Time))
for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
if ((security.Symbol in self.symbolDict) and (security.Symbol not in self.handpicked_SymbolList) and (security.Symbol not in self.symbolWithPositionDict)):
# self.Log("Removing " + security.Symbol.Value + " from symbolDict")
del self.symbolDict[security.Symbol]
for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
if security.Symbol not in self.symbolDict:
# self.Log("Adding " + security.Symbol.Value + " to symbolDict")
self.AddEquity(security.Symbol.Value, Resolution.Minute)
self.symbolDict[security.Symbol] = SymbolData(self,security.Symbol,self.criteriaDict)
def OnData(self, data):
Symbol Data
class SymbolData(object):
def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol, criteriaDict):
self.symbol = symbol
self.symbolValue = symbol.Value
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.criteriaDict = criteriaDict
#-- Trailing Stop
self.lastPeriodMax = 0
self.trailStopOrderTicket = None
self.trailStopPrice = None
Derek Melchin
Hi Pranava,
The above error is thrown because the algorithm is trying to update an OrderTicket that has an "invalid" OrderStatus. The reason some of the order tickets are considered invalid is because they are created with a quantity of 0. We can resolve this by checking if we are invested in a security before placing an trailing stop order for it.
if symbolData.trailStopOrderTicket is None: if self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested: quantity = -self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity price = (1 - self.trailStopPercentage) * symbolPrice symbolData.trailStopOrderTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(symbol.Value, quantity, price)
See the attached backtest for reference.
Derek Melchin
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