//BUYING PART!! if (!invested && symbolData.Factor >= 3 && symbolData.LowestAverage >= price) // && _btc > _minPosition { if (symbolData.MacdChange >= 0 & symbolData.MacdChange < 2)//&& symbolData.MacdChange < 2 { //PLACING ORDER var quantity = NormalizeQuantity(symbol, btcAmount / data[symbol].Close); if (quantity == 0) continue; MarketOrder(symbol, quantity); Plot("Trades", "AANKOOP", price); Debug($"Aankoop: {symbol} {data[symbol].Price} ter waarde van {usdAmount}"); // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug Notify.Email("david.wittevronghel@gmail.com", "TradeAlert",$"Gekocht {symbol} op {data[symbol].Price}"); Log($"prijs {price} en Max 24uur {symbolData.MaxExchange} en MIN 24uur {symbolData.MinExchange}"); symbolData.TargetPrice = price * (1 + _targetPercent); //DETERMINE WICH SELLING PRICE WHEN PROFIT. symbolData.StopPrice = price * (1 - _stopPercent); //DETERMINE WICH SELLING PRICE WHEN LOSS. } } //SELLING PART!! if (invested) { if (price >= symbolData.TargetPrice) { Debug($"Verkoop Winst: {symbol} {data[symbol].Price}"); // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug Plot("BTC", "Holdings", Portfolio.CashBook["BTC"].Amount); Plot("Trades", "VERKOOP WINST \n", price); var tag = $"+1% WINST VERKOCHT {symbol} op {data[symbol].Price}"; // Alex: let's tag the order instead of adding to the logs LimitOrder(symbol,-symbolData.Holding, symbolData.TargetPrice); //Liquidate(symbol, tag); //MarketOrder(symbol, -symbolData.Holding); //Log(tag); //Notify.Email("...@gmail.com", "TradeAlert", tag); } if (price < symbolData.StopPrice) { Debug($"Verkoop Verlies: {symbol} {data[symbol].Price}"); // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug Plot("BTC", "Holdings", Portfolio.CashBook["BTC"].Amount); Plot("Trades", "VERKOOP VERLIES \n", price); var tag = $"-10% VERLIES VERKOCHT {symbol} op {data[symbol].Price}"; // Alex: let's tag the order instead of adding to the logs LimitOrder(symbol,-symbolData.Holding, symbolData.StopPrice); //Liquidate(symbol, tag); //MarketOrder(symbol, -symbolData.Holding); //Log(tag); //Notify.Email("...@gmail.com", "TradeAlert", tag); } }


I have several types of sell orders. (Liquidate,, MarketOrder)

But the problem with Liquidate or Marketorder is when I want 1% profit with the Targetprice the order isn't sold with 1% profit. Mostly it is less than 1%.

And also the exchange fee is 0.2% taker fee and 0.1% maker fee. 

But now I want a LimitOrder cause then the order will only be executes when the Targetprice or Stopprice is reached. 


My question is now: is the LimitOrder inplemented correctly for both sell orders?


Thanks in advance,

