Is it possible to have any autocomplete/intellisense for Python research notebooks?
I tried adding:
%config IPCompleter.greedy=True
It works on other Jupyter notebooks but doesn't add anything on quantconnect hosted notebooks.
Alternatively, is it possible to get connect to the notebook from and IDE?
I'm looking for a way to do that too. Although the jupyter notebook is all set, the local IDE (VSCode in my case) was never able to connect to Jupyter server.
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Bilal Shahid
I tried running that in on quantconnet notebook but it did not change anything.
Right now I have VSCode connecting to a locally running server. Intellisense works great but it executes on the local server without the data from quantconnet. I can then copy/paste or use qcli to push to the quantnotebook and run it there.
Do you have a differnt setup? Where are you able to see the intellisense?
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Bilal Shahid
It's working now after I closed and reponed the notebook and ran the command again.
Not sure if it didn't run before or session timeout but it's working now.
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