I have a strategy to divide my total portfolio into thirds and trade every single day of the week. I've been able to implement this in python on another platform but find it a little more difficult on QC. total cash = $6000 target percent return = 3-5% day 1 buy - $2000 day 2 buy - $2000 day 3 buy - $2000 day 4 buy - $2060 *day1 settlement* day 5 buy - $2060 *day2 settlement* weekend weekend day 1 buy - $2060 *day3 settlement* Any ideas of how this can be done?
Michael Handschuh
In QC you can directly model the T+3 day equity settlement rules. Here's an example algorithm that shows how to set u the T+3 modelling. Of special note are the Portfolio.CashBook and Portfolio.UnsettledCashBook properties. These cash books contain the information on how much cash you have in a settled, ready to use state or an unsettled, pending state. Take a look at the log, where I'm dumping each cashbook on each day so you can see how funds transfer from on to the other. In the purchasing schedule above you didn't label any 'sells' - so in the attached algorithm I just sell everything via MarketOnClose orders to fire at EOD.
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Travis Teichelmann
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Michael Handschuh
Happy to be of help!
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