We're pleased to share you can now live-trade with Bitfinex from your QuantConnect account. This integration adds a second crypto brokerage to QuantConnect, giving the community more options for live trading!

Since we launched crypto trading in 2017, we have seen a great deal of demand for Bitfinex from our international users who trade crypto assets, many of whom trade in the smaller currency pairs. Around June of 2018, our open source community started work developing the integration with the guidance of the QuantConnect team. When complete, the integration consisted of more than 90% open source contributions. We’re constantly blown away by the engineers contributing to LEAN from around the world.


Founded in 2012, Bitfinex is one of the oldest cryptocurrency exchanges and targets international users by offering a wide array of cryptocurrencies for trading, including the smaller crosses. With these new assets come much greater opportunities for diversification and exploring unique strategies. Bitfinex is also one of the highest volume exchanges globally, giving clients depth to fill their trades.

Our connection with Bitfinex follows our October 2017 integration with Coinbase Pro (formerly GDAX), giving QuantConnect users access to two of the major crypto exchanges. As we do with Coinbase Pro, we will make the Bitfinex data available for download and purchase in LEAN format via the Data Explorer at quantconnect.com/data. This data is powered by our data partner, Kaiko. The complete Bitfinex implementation can also be run locally via LEAN, as the brokerage implementation is fully open sourced.

We’re excited about this integration, but we’re not stopping here. Binance is highly popular, liquid, and frequently requested on QuantConnect as well. This integration should be coming soon, as many engineers in the open source community are working to make it possible. One difficulty is that the LEAN engine uniquely provides a deeply modeled, realistic trading experience, factoring in each exchange’s unique differences. As such, building the abstractions to model these differences in LEAN has been a challenging task.

You can view all of our current integrations on our brokerage page. If you have any questions about Bitfinex, Binance, or any other exchange, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Happy Crypto Trading!


Jared Broad

March 2019