We are thrilled to announce the launch of Quant League, a student algorithmic trading competition to showcase talent comfortable with the QuantConnect API. 

Recruiting is becoming more challenging for students looking to break into quantitative finance. Thousands of new graduates vie for a few positions advertised by a handful of funds, while most educational programs lack practical experiences to make graduates quickly productive. Funds building on the QuantConnect technology stack are hungry to hire talent to help them build and bootstrap their funds in our ecosystem.

Today, we're officially launching Quant League to help bridge this gap - connecting the hundreds of funds in our community with talented young graduates seeking internships. Students build and publish strategies that compete in forward trading for everyone to follow. 

We have onboarded 20 universities so far, with 175 students participating. Students can build a portfolio of work demonstrating real experience and network with potential employers seeking candidates. Active students are profiled on the League pages and included on Integration Partners. Interested organizations can contact the students on LinkedIn for hiring, knowing they've worked with QuantConnect's API and can deliver a strategy.

Universities: How to Participate

Form a team of 3-10 classmates strong in Python who will represent your university or trading club. Register on QuantConnect and use the free tier to design a submission to the Quant League. All students must complete the Boot Camp to learn the QuantConnect API to be quickly productive for employers. Connect with your peers to develop your trading algorithm and submit an entry to the competition. Once you have a strategy ready, QuantConnect will assign your team a free trading firm account and servers. See the directions page for further details! 

QuantConnect Funds: Hiring Talent. 

Students can be reached through their LinkedIn profiles. We recommend reviewing their work in the Quant League and approaching teams that fit your fund styles best. We're eager to hear about new hires from the league, so be sure to send your success stories!

Corporate Sponsorship

We're inviting QuantConnect clients to join us as sponsors for Quant League. 100% of all sponsorship will go toward student prizes. By sponsoring this prestigious competition, you receive:

  • Live Signals: Live streaming signal exports from Quant League's submissions.
  • Access Talent: Message the students directly to present your opportunity.
  • Visibility: Showcase your brand to a global audience.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities and the benefits to your company, please visit our Sponsorship Page or contact our team directly.

 Next Steps

Join us on this exciting journey and prove your skills in quantitative finance. The competition is fierce, but the experience is invaluable. Ready to take on the challenge? Visit our Quant League page for more information, and register your team today.


Best Regards,
QuantConnect Team


Artem Ivaniuk

July 2024