Hello Community!

We are excited to announce that starting from version 16312, we have updated the Lean engine to use Python 3.11.7, along with updating our supported libraries to their latest versions and adding a few new libraries.

The library updates include pandas 2.1.4, TensorFlow 2.16.1, OpenAI 1.14.3, LangChain 0.1.12, among others. Some of the new library additions are TPOT 0.12.2, llama-index 0.10.19, PyCaret 3.3.0.

Pandas 2 comes with some API changes and removals, some we can mention are:

  • ‘iteritems’ is not longer available, ‘items’ can be used instead
  • ‘tshift/slice_shift’ have been removed, ‘shift’ can be use instead
  • ‘mean/sum’ now require in some cases to specify ‘numeric_only=True’

We have also added the ‘Foundation-Autokeras’ environment, a backward compatibility environment for compatibility with Keras < 3, and TF 2.14.1, and Pydantic<2, which include libraries like keras-tcn 3.5.0, nixtlats 0.2.0, scikeras 0.12.0.

Our documentation has been updated to reflect these changes: QuantConnect Docs - Package Environments. For more details, you can visit the Lean PR here.

Please let us know if you encounter any related issues. Thank you!


Martin Molinero

March 2024