QuantConnect is live! The world’s most powerful back-testing platform, offering you free tick-data, with a C# coding environment so you can hack the best strategies together in minutes instead of weeks. Its fast, lightning fast. We can simulate five years of tick-data in less than 90 seconds, putting us on par with major financial institutions. And best of all – its entirely free.

But why would you design on QuantConnect?

If you design an amazing strategy on QuantConnect you’ll have a chance at winning millions in trading capital! We are proud to announce a partnership with Battle-Fin.com for their $20M Seed Capital Tournament -The Sharpe Ratio Shootout.

Battle-Fin is a Miami-based company that uses cutting edge real-time, real-capital tournaments to democratically identify tomorrow’s best trading strategies across asset classes. They run monthly tournaments to identify trading strategies, and introduce the best and brightest candidates to capital partners. Battle-Fin can guide strategies from just an idea to fully a built out hedge fund with legal, compliance, risk management and capital partners.

Register for the tournament to be part of the next round! There is no cost to enter and your strategies and intellectual property belong to you. https://hub.am/YXuuBu

Register your interest, then start designing your algorithms today!




Jared Broad

March 2013